NaturDive & ESSEC Business School students – Lérins Island
An unforgettable hands-on workshop on Sainte-Marguerite Island, organised by NaturDive for the Executive MBA students from ESSEC Business School! […]
An unforgettable hands-on workshop on Sainte-Marguerite Island, organised by NaturDive for the Executive MBA students from ESSEC Business School! […]
Thanks to NaturDive Association, this year I was able to participate in the International Dive Show held in Paris. It was indeed a memorable experience! Our stand was beautiful, our team was full of energy and the moments spent together were amazing! “Le Salon de la Plongée sous-marine est le seul événement en France qui regroupe tous les profils d’exposants : agences de voyage, artistes, associations, assurances, bateaux, centres de plongée, éditeurs, fabricants et distributeurs, formations, médias, offices du tourisme…” […]